Very basic gene finding/annotation tutorial

We will analyze two genomes, one from prokaryote and one from eukaryote - Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Candida albicans A123 respectively. We will use two standard tools for finding genes, i.e. Prodigal ( and Augustus (

Prokaryotic gene prediction

Step 1: Obtain data files

Try and navigate the links and obtain the data yourselves (raw sequence (contigs/scaffolds) without annotation). In this particular example we will work with NCBI database, alternative databases are European Nucleotide Archive ( that you might be using in you project. Try to download both to the server and your computer as well.

The link to the genome assembly:

Login to machine using ssh and create and enter the directory for the exercise, e.g. gene_prediction

mkdir gene_prediction; cd gene_prediction

Use wget or curl to download data to a remote machine:


Alternatively, you can copy file from your computer. In gitbash/linux/mac use command:

scp yourfilename studentX@ip_adress:/home/studentX/gene_prediction

Unarchive file:

gunzip GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.fna.gz

Step 2: Install required software

Before proceeding, we will install several tools to predict protein coding genes and tRNAs in our E.coli genomee. We will use prodigal and tRNAscan-SE to predict all open reading frames of protein coding genes and tRNA genes respectively.

Before using it, we will create a new environment gene_prediction install prodigal in our environment conda create --name gene_prediction

Activate the environment: conda activate gene_prediction

Install prodigal: conda install -c bioconda prodigal conda install -c bioconda trnascan-se

Step 3: Run prodigal to predict all open reading frames of protein coding genes

Get yourself familiar with different Prodigal options, more information: Find protein-coding sequences (CDS), familirase yourself with the output files:

prodigal -i GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.fna -o GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.gff -a GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.fasta -f gff

Step 4: Predict tRNA genes

Get yourself familiar with tRNAscan-SE options (e.g. save output in GFF format). To predict genes in prokaryote run the following command:

tRNAscan-SE -B GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.fna -o GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.rna -a GCA_000401755.1_Escherichia_coli_ATCC_25922_genomic.rna.fasta

Eukaryotic gene finding

Step 1: Obtain data files

Try to find navigate yourself NCBI FTP site yourself and find GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1 genome, Alternatively, download genome to remote computer by running the following command:


Unarchive file: gunzip GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1_genomic.fna.gz

Step 2: Use Augustus to predict all open reading frames of protein coding genes

For eukaryotes it might take considerable time to run, instead copy the file from the existing precomputed directory (uncomment if you want to try running (takes ~10 min): ### augustus GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1_genomic.fna --species=candida_albicans > GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1_genomic.gff


Extract proteins from the generated gff file using the following command: GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1_genomic.gff

Analogously like with prokaryotes you can use tRNAscan-SE to find tRNAs in the Candida yeast genome. Please see command help to specify correct arguments.

Step 3: Use Uniprot/(Swiss-Prot) manually curated sequences to annotate identified proteins

First dowload database of sequences from The sequences were already downloaded for you, just simply use the following command to copy them to your working directory:


gunzip uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz

We will use blastp to blast your identified sequences to the database of Uniprot sequences, but before this we need to create a blast database (takes several hours to run).

makeblastdb -in uniprot_sprot.fasta -dbtype prot -out uniprot_database

###blastp -query GCA_000447455.1_Cand_albi_A123_V1_genomic.aa -db uniprot_database -outfmt 7 -out blast_results

`wget` # a snapshot of BLAST results file

Chalmers University of Technology 2021