Tutorial Overview

  • Working with R notebooks to construct reproducible procedures
  • Running sequence processing software from the command line
  • Running sequence processing software from wrapper R libraries
  • Inspecting different output formats

Initial setup: Work environment and Data

The starter notebook contains instructions for setting up your conda environment. Please follow these instructions, then continue using the notebook to write the commands used here and take notes for the exercises. You can also download a copy from here for your own computer.

The notebook that will serve as both a rudimentary pipeline and final (reproducible) report.

If you have not done so already, you need to first install conda. See instructions here

Directory and data setup

We will be working in RStudio and primarely writing the commands in this notebook. However, the first commands in this section is easier if you run from the terminal.

Please create a directory for this tutorial in your home directory and inside there copy the starter notebook from my directory. To do this run the following commands in the terminal after logging on to the server.

mkdir NGS_Tutorial
cp /home/sandra/NGS_Tutorial/sequencing_technologies_tutorial.Rmd NGS_Tutorial/
cd NGS_Tutorial

Now fetch a copy of the data we will be using:

cp -r /home/sandra/NGS_Tutorial/data .

To nicely see the contents of (small) directories, you can use the tree program, but you need to install it first (conda install tree)

tree data

You can also run ls * (which works on any system)

To make sure this data is protected from accidental writes, remove the write permission (-w) for anyone on the server (ugo) on it by running:

find data -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod ugo-w

Then create results directory

mkdir results

Work environment

It’s standard practice to create a new conda environment for each project. This is because each project may require a number of different software packages, with certain version. Even if these requirements are very similar between the projects, even small differences may topple the house of cards that is the software ecosystem. This is officially referred to as “dependency hell” an can be traumatizing.

Run the code chunk below to enable running conda commands from this notebook. For future reference, this functionality is achieved with the built-in knitr package.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.opts = "-i")

Conda can fetch packages from many different sources (aka “channels”) Let’s add the Bioconda channel, as well as the general-purpose conda-forge. (“defaults” is given first to give it top priority when searching for packages)

Ignore the errors about ” Inappropriate ioctl for device” and “no job control in this shell”. They’re a harmless consequence of this.

conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels bioconda
conda config --add channels conda-forge

Create and activate a new environment for this exercise. The conda create command create new environments, the option –name specifies the name of your new environment and the option -y lets conda know that you answer yes to all prompts. Without -y you will have to manually type in yes when prompted. The command conda activate activates the environment within the current code chunk and only the current code chunk. Which means that within every code chunk that we want to use our environment we need to first run conda activate .

conda create --name sequencing -y
conda activate sequencing

If that still doesn’t work, please ask for help so we make sure we all start from the same place.

Now install the software needed for this exercise. We want to install the software on to our new environment so we first activate the environment with conda activate. The command conda install will install the packages that you specify to it. You can specify multiple packages at a time by separating them with spaces. This step will also ask for confirmation if we do not specify the -y option. Later on / in real life, it’s good to to examine what changes are made when installing new packages. You can easily view all the packages installed in an environment by running conda list once activated.

Make sure you activated the sequencing environment!

conda activate sequencing
conda install samtools bowtie2 breseq abyss bcftools wgsim emboss tree -y

Lets inspect the packages that we just installed.

conda activate sequencing
conda list

Exercise 1: Alignment

We’ll be aligning sequencing data against the reference genome of a Varicella virus.

This mainly involves using bowtie2 to align short-read sequencing data to the reference genome and samtools to post-process and visualize the result:

Raw data files:

  • Varicella reference genome: data/ref/varicella.gb
  • Sequencing files: data/seq/varicella1.fastq, data/seq/varicella2.fastq

You can run the commands in the terminal directly to test them out, but they should be included (in order) in the R notebook, so copy the code chunks (including the surrounding {bash} marker) and run the chunk from the notebook.

! NOTE ! Make sure to put curly braces { } around bash and r. These disappear when this webpage is created for some reason…


Step 1: Init

Create a separate results dir

mkdir results/exercise1

Step 2: Preprocess

bowtie2 requires an index file for the reference sequence. This index can only be constructed from a FASTA file but it’s common practice to find reference genomes in GenBank (GFF3) format.

Convert varicella.gb to FASTA using the seqret converter from the EMBOSS package, then build the bowtie index accordingly.

(Computation time: seconds)

conda activate sequencing

# Convert GFF3 > FASTA
seqret -sequence data/ref/varicella.gb -feature -fformat gff3 -osformat fasta data/ref/varicella.fasta

# This file is outptut by seqret in the current directory (because bad design)
# So we move it where it belongs
mv varicella.gff data/ref/

# Document how the FASTA file was created
echo "vaircella.fasta converted from GFF as:" > data/ref/README.txt
echo "seqret -sequence data/ref/varicella.gb -feature -fformat gff3 -osformat fasta data/ref/varicella.fasta" >> data/ref/README.txt

# Save index files in own directory
mkdir results/exercise1/bowtie_index
# Build the bowtie2 index
bowtie2-build -f data/ref/varicella.fasta results/exercise1/bowtie_index/varicella

Step 3: Align sequences to reference

Align the sequencing data to the reference genome using bowtie2. This will create the file varicella.sam The \ symbol simply breaks the command across multiple lines for readability.

(Computation time: 1 min)

conda activate sequencing

mkdir results/exercise1/alignment
bowtie2 -x results/exercise1/bowtie_index/varicella \
    -1 data/seq/varicella1.fastq -2 data/seq/varicella2.fastq \
    -S results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.sam

Step 4: Convert alignment to binary format

To make reading the alignment info easier for the computer, convert the sequence alignment map (SAM) file to binary alignment map (BAM) using the samtools view command:

(Computation time: seconds)

conda activate sequencing

samtools view -b -S -o results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.bam \

Step 5: Optimize alignment (pt 1)

To optimize the lookup in the alignment map, sort the BAM file using samtools sort command. This will create the file varicella.sorted.bam

(Computation time: seconds)

conda activate sequencing

samtools sort results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.bam -o \

Step 6: Optimize alignment (pt 2)

To speed up reading the BAM file even more, index the sorted BAM file using samtools index command:

(Computation time: seconds)

conda activate sequencing

samtools index results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.sorted.bam

This will create a BAI file called results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.sorted.bam.bai

Step 7: Calculate alignment coverage

Calculate the average coverage of the alignment using the samtools depth command and the Unix awk text processor to extract the values of interest:

(Computation time: 1s)

conda activate sequencing
samtools depth results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.sorted.bam | awk '{sum+=$3} END {print "Average = ", sum/124884}'

Output should be: Answer: average = 199.775


Use the samtools depth command to extract coverage info and create a coverage map of the genome (position vs. coverage). Read the help for the tool with samtools help depth. The output format is described at the end of the help.


conda activate sequencing
samtools depth results/exercise1/alignment/varicella.sorted.bam > results/exercise1/alignment/coverage.tsv

Plot the result with R


alignment_coverage <-
           col_names = c("reference_name", "position", "coverage_depth"))

alignment_coverage %>% 
  ggplot() + geom_histogram(aes(x = coverage_depth))

Exercise 2: Finding Mutations with SAMtools

We now look at a second set of sequencing data, with mutations (data/seq/varicella_mut1.fastq and data/seq/varicella_mut1.fastq)

We’ll still be using bowtie2 and samtools to perform these tasks, however we’ll be doing structuring all the steps in to one script.

This approach has the great advantage that we don’t need to copy-paste all we did above just to change the name of the input files. That’s cumbersome and very error-prone. Instead we just need to change the file name at one location.


Step 1: Align sequences to reference

Create a sorted and indexed BAM file using the code below, which encapsulates steps 2-6 from Exercise 1 (except for the GFF > FASTA conversion).

conda activate sequencing




# Make all directories

# Build the bowtie2 index
bowtie2-build -f $REFERENCE_GENOME $BOWTIE_INDEX_DIR/varicella

bowtie2 -x $BOWTIE_INDEX_DIR/varicella \
    -1 $READS_1 -2 $READS_2 \
    -S $ALIGNMENT_DIR/varicella_mut.sam
samtools view -b -S -o $ALIGNMENT_DIR/varicella_mut.bam \
samtools sort $ALIGNMENT_DIR/varicella_mut.bam -o \
samtools index $ALIGNMENT_DIR/varicella_mut.sorted.bam


Tip: Run ls -l data/* to tree data if you forget what files you’re working on.

The workflow will also create results/exercise2 for you.

(Computation time: 5 minutes)

Step 2: Identify point mutations

Use the samtools mpileup command to identify genomic variants (aka single nucleotide variants, SNVs) in the alignment. This will create the file varicella_variants.bcf

conda activate sequencing

samtools mpileup -g -f data/ref/varicella.fasta results/exercise2/alignment/varicella_mut.sorted.bam > results/exercise2/varicella_variants.bcf

Step 3: Inspect mutations (pt 1)

Use bcftools call command to convert the binary call format (BCF) to (human-readable) variant call format (VCF). This will create the file varicella_variants.vcf

conda activate sequencing

bcftools call -c -v results/exercise2/varicella_variants.bcf > results/exercise2/varicella_variants.vcf

If you wish to inspect it, run less -S results/exercise2/varicella_variants.vcf The file contains quite a lot of information, which we’ll use later on. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variant_Call_Format for more info.

Step 4: Inspect mutations (pt 2)

Visualize the mutation detected on site 77985 using the samtools tview command. For this, you only need the BAM file. Remember that this files stores mutant-to-reference alignment information. VCF (and BCF) contain only the information needed for some downstream tasks.

This is an interactive command so run it in the terminal:

conda activate sequencing

samtools tview results/exercise2/alignment/varicella_mut.sorted.bam \
    data/ref/varicella.fasta -p NC_001348:77985 



Inspect the VCF file columns using the Unix command chain:

grep -v "^#"  results/exercise2/varicella_variants.vcf | column -t | less -S

(Chain: Filter out header | align columns | show on screen)

How can you interpret the PHRED score values in the last column? See What is a VCF and how should I interpret it? (Section 5)

Are all mutations homozygous? Should you expect any heterozygous mutations in this case?


What assumption does samtools mpileup make about the model of genetic mutations? (Try running bcftools mpileup for help and scroll down.) Is this model appropriate for a virus?

Answer: samtools mpileup assumes the data originates from a diploid organism and models mutations based on the existence of two similar copies of the same sequence. Since viruses only have one copy of the genome, this model is not correct and it is not possible for a single genomic position to have two different bases.


Use samtools mpileup to inspect the site 73233. What is the frequency of each base on this site? Rune the command below and see Pileup format

conda activate sequencing

samtools mpileup -r NC_001348:73233-73233 -f data/ref/varicella.fasta \

Answer: 170 T, 1 A, 2 G

Exercise 3: Finding Mutations with breseq

Using the breseq pipeline to compute the mutations present in the mutant strain in comparison to the reference sequence provided for the varicella virus.


Step 1: Init

Create the results directory for this exercise:

mkdir results/exercise3

Step 2: Run

(Computation time: 5 minutes)

Run breseq

breseq -j 1 -o results/exercise3 \
    -r data/ref/varicella.gb data/seq/varicella_mut*.fastq



Open the index.html file in the results/exercise3/output folder (Using the File tab in RStudio, navigate to the file, click on it, and choose “Open in browser”) and compare the mutations detected, in comparison to exercise 2.

Answer: One mutation is missing in breseq


Use the breseq bam2aln command to investigate the missing mutations


conda activate sequencing

breseq bam2aln \
    -f data/ref/varicella.fasta \
    -b results/exercise2/alignment/varicella_mut.sorted.bam \
    -r NC_001348:117699-117699 -o results/exercise3/missing_mutations.html

Now open the output results/exercise3/missing_mutations.html with RStudio. Breseq missed this mutation in the output table.


Open the results/exercise3/output/summary.html file and find the mean coverage of the alignment. Find also the coverage plot.

Exercise 4: De novo genome assembly

So far we’ve been using a reference genome to align reads to it. When one is not available, the genome has to be assembled de novo from the reads. Here, we’ll be using the abyss assembler with reads from the dumas strain of the varicella virus.

Sequencing files from dumas strain: data/varicella_l1.fastq, data/varicella_l2.fastq


Step 1: Init

mkdir results/exercise4

Step 1: Assembly

Assemble the reads provided into a genome using abyss-pe for k=128

(Computation time: 5 minutes)

conda activate sequencing

abyss-pe name=varicella k=128 --directory=results/exercise4 \
    in='../../data/seq/varicella_l1.fastq ../../data/seq/varicella_l2.fastq'



How many unitigs, contigs and scaffolds were assembled?

Hint: less varicella-stats.md

Answer: 14, 12, 6


How big is the largest scaffold?

Answer: 107578


Use NCBI nucleotide blast (https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi) to find similar sequences to the scaffolds obtained. What is the most similar sequence obtained?